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Jazilla Binary

Release notes for Jazilla

How To Download and run Jazilla

The following are instructions for downloading and running the Jazilla browser on a Windows95/98/NT system:

Step 1: Download JDK

Download JDK1.2 from Sun. Start the installation by double-clicking the ".exe" file that you just downloaded. During installation, you'll be prompted for which things you want to install. You only need to select "Program Files".

Step 2: Download Jazilla

Download the latest Jazilla:


Set your CLASSPATH variable by putting a line like the following in your autoexec.bat file (the following assumes you've put the Jazilla file in C:jazilla, and the JDK in C:jdk1.2): SET CLASSPATH=C:jazillajavamozilla_current.jar;

Step 4: Set PATH

Add the Java executables to your PATH variable by adding a line like the following at the end of your autoexec.bat file (the following assumes you've put the JDK in C:jdk1.2):

SET PATH=C:jdk1.2bin;%PATH%

Step 5: Reboot

Reboot your system to make the previous two steps take affect.

Step 6: Run The Jazilla Java Application

Type the following at a DOS prompt (From the Start->Run... menu), or create a shortcut (by clicking the right mouse button on the screen background): java org.mozilla.mozilla.Jazilla

The startup will be similar to that for Netscape Navigator ("Mozilla"): you should get a "Splash" page while things initialize, and then get a browser window.

Common Problems and Solutions

If you get an error about not being able to find "java", then there's a problem with your PATH variable (step 4). If you get an error about not being able to find class org.mozilla.mozilla.Jazilla, then there's a problem with your CLASSPATH variable (step 5).

Additional Information Sun's JDK Installation Notes give more details about setting CLASSPATH and PATH variables, and more information about installing the JDK. The Jazilla Error List shows what errors occurred (if any) in the compilation of the Jazilla that you downloaded. If Jazilla comes up but something doesn't work: suprize! it probably hasn't been implemented! But there's also a chance that a compilation problem is causing it.

If you have questions or problems, you can ask for help in the Jazilla newsgroup:


You can also access the newsgroup from within your browser at DejaNews.

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