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The Week in Review!

by CHRIS NELSON | It's been a busy first week here at mozillaZine! Thanks everyone for stopping by and sending your kind words!

So, now on to the news: What's been happening this week with the code?

Win98 Integration

Well, as some of you may know, the big news has been the integration of Mozilla into the Windows 98 Active Desktop. Through preference settings Mozilla now can interact with the OS in ways that were only available to MS's Internet Explorer browser. This change is visible in the newest builds available at and MozBin. This is a very positive step towards giving choice back to the consumer.

Non-blocking Images

Another major development is an addition to the Mariner (current rendering engine) code of non-blocking images (an addition that also recently got added to the next generation layout engine, NGLayout). As a page loads in, if the Height and Width attributes are missing from an tag, the renderer will still render the page, and will reflow the page as it receives more information about the image's width and height. To see this in action download a build after 9-9-98 and check out the MovieLink site.

OS/2 Port

The OS/2 port is moving right along -- John Fairhurst has built an OS/2 front-end for Mozilla, which appears to be the first successful port of Mozilla to a new OS! Find a build of it here.

Also, the OS/2 team has decided to base their code around the developing NGLayout engine.


The Netscape for Rhapsody project is moving right along, deciding to switch to the NGLayout tree of code (the "Next Generation" rendering engine).


The folks in charge of the current layout have set an internal deadline to fix 10 major bugs in the CSS-1 portion of the rendering engine. If you're interested in helping, download a build and run it through some of the CSS test suites available (try here or here), and file bug reports at Bugzilla.

That's just a handful of the goings on at this week. Take a look through our back news updates to catch up! And stay tuned throughout the week for daily updates and interviews about the progress of Mozilla.

Thanks again to everyone for their support! The best is yet to come!

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